Hello Kusama!

We just launched decentralization analytics for Kusama.

Hello Kusama!
Kusama rewards by node Operator.

It is our pleasure to announce the release of Kusama decentralization analytics!

Polkawatch is an analytic tool designed to measure effective decentralization of Kusama’s Validation process.

It uses the Reward event as main measure of Computing Effort and it complements the information with networking information (IP address) of validator nodes which is then crossed with external geolocation datasources.

Polkawatch allows us to navigate our rewards, or validation operation, by geography, computing network and node operators.

Polkawatch, introduced last June, was originally developed for Polkadot, but in motion #521 the Kusama community decided to roll it out on Kusama too.

Polkawatch is bringing awareness about the decentralization challenges that can potentially take place in novel Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains, when the majority of nominations are directed to a few Operators, Networks or Geographical regions.

This issue is far from specific to the Substrate ecosystem and is already making headlines around the world. After the release of Ethereum Proof-of-Stake capability it was observed that 64% of staked ETH is controlled by 5 entities, furthermore, the issue of regional node clustering is already been argued in court as grounds for jurisdiction over Ethereum.

We hope the Kusama community will take action and fully realize its decentralization potential.

Decentralization analytics on a small Kusama Wallet

In this sense Polkawatch allows every single nominator to analyse the decentralization of its own nomination and make changes accordingly.

Kusama decentralization analytics are available at:



Kusama is a scalable network of specialized blockchains built using Substrate and nearly the same codebase as Polkadot. The network is an experimental development environment for teams who want to move fast and innovate on Kusama, or prepare for deployment on Polkadot.