Polkawatch featured at parisDOT

Polkawatch featured at parisDOT
Why is it important to rely on independent validators?

Validator Alliance Panel+QA: Why is it important to rely on independent validators?

The panel discussed the importance of the Validator role in the dotsama community, comparing it to other cryptos. Validators share the responsibility of validating transactions as a public service to our community.

More technical aspects such as decentralization versus latency were also discussed.

Polakawatch decentralization analytics were also discussed.

If you missed the conference you can watch this panel here:

About parisDOT

3 days of conference and workshops sessions organized by some of the leading projects of the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems.

Offering an inclusive space to meet, greet, talk and exchange thoughts, and perhaps kick off the next interesting collaboration. Targeting the wider crypto community.

About DOT Validator Alliance

We are a group of community leaders who decided to dedicate their professional lives to the Polkadot and its diverse ecosystem.

Founded by Polkadotters, Promo Team, Repe, Pathrock Network, Stakenode, Bld nodes, Crifferent and Iceberg Nodes.